20483 Programming in C#

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Length: 5 day (40 hours)


Course objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the core syntax and features of C#.
  • Create and call methods, catch and handle exceptions, and describe the monitoring requirements of large-scale applications.
  • Implement the basic structure and essential elements of a typical desktop application.
  • Create classes, define and implement interfaces, and create and use generic collections.
  • Use inheritance to create a class hierarchy, extend a .NET Framework class, and create generic classes and methods.
  • Read and write data by using file input/output and streams, and serialize and deserialize data in different formats.
  • Create and use an entity data model for accessing a database and use LINQ to query and update data.
  • Use the types in the System.Net namespace and WCF Data Services to access and query remote data.
  • Build a graphical user interface by using XAML.
  • Improve the throughput and response time of applications by using tasks and asynchronous operations.
  • Integrate unmanaged libraries and dynamic components into a C# application.
  • Examine the metadata of types by using reflection, create and use custom attributes, generate code at runtime, and manage assembly versions.
  • Encrypt and decrypt data by using symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

Course outlines

  • Review of C# Syntax
  • Creating Methods, Handling Exceptions, and Monitoring Applications
  • Developing the Code for a Graphical Application
  • Creating Classes and Implementing Type-safe Collections
  • Creating a Class Hierarchy by Using Inheritance
  • Reading and Writing Local Data
  • Accessing a Database
  • Accessing Remote Data
  • Designing the User Interface for a Graphical Application
  • Improving Application Performance and Responsiveness
  • Integrating with Unmanaged Code
  • Creating Reusable Types and Assemblies
  • Encrypting and Decrypting Data